• Sidney666▪️GHT     新概念英语第二册-NCE2-001

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    A private conversation 私人谈话

    1. private 私人的,私有的
    另外两个相关形容词是,public, protected

    2. conversation 谈话,扯淡


    a big/great/splendid ~ 大/盛大场合
    a special ~ 特殊场合
    a formal ~ 正式场合
    a social ~ 社交场合
    a happy/joyful ~ 喜乐场合
    a sad/solemn ~ 哀痛场合
    a ceremonial ~ 礼仪场合
    a festive ~ 节庆场合
    a historic ~ 历史性的场合

    最常见用法:have a ADJ. conversation with sb. 和某人谈谈
    You're gonna have a real conversation with Tom before you go.你走之前要不要和TOM谈谈。
    I just got into a really awful conversation with Ann. 我刚才和安聊的非常不爽。
    I thought you wanted to have an intelligent conversation.你不是想找人好好聊聊吗?
    Do I have to remind you of our conversation? 需要我提醒你我们说过的话吗?
    My dress is too pretty for this conversation.我衣服这么漂亮,不适合参加这种讨论。
    I'll turn the slides off for a while and we'll talk informally, and I'll include Alexander in the conversation. 一会儿,我关掉幻灯,咱们随便聊一会儿,我会谈到亚历山大。

    最常见用法:have a discussion of/about
    No matter, we can have that discussion later. 无所谓,这个等下再说(秋后算总帐的意味)
    Let us end discussion and set mind to purpose. 稍后再说,先完成任务吧(宫廷大事)
    I got into a bit of a heated discussion last night at the bar.我昨晚在酒吧卷入一场激烈的讨论(婉转的说重要的事情,可能发生电光火石的打架斗殴事件)
    We're kind of having a private operational discussion here.我们正在讨论秘密行动呢。(大事,并且伴随着商量很多细节问题)
    I hate to interrupt this discussion about ancient history, but maybe I should step in right here and introduce myself.
    He will have to do the recruiting of people that come with him on the colony; he will have to do the constitutional discussion and a political discussion to gain the sanction from the mother city to allow him to do everything he knows.

    常见用法:engage in/have/hold/create/enter into a ADJ. dialogue with/about
    How about that dialogue? 那算啥台词?
    Only in your version, bugs bunny tries to have a dialogue with the shotgun.而你这兔八哥,还试图和裂抢(字被和谐)讲道理。
    You see the subway as a place to pick up dialogue for your novels. 你把地铁看成是构造你小说对白的地方。

    常用用法:enter/join/ debate for 加入讨论、辩论 generate/ignite/spark off/start/trigger debate on/about 引发关于什么的辩论
    They confirmed Tim was not on the debate team. 他们确认Tim没有参加过辩论小组。
    I believe that's a matter of some debate. 我觉得这事值得探讨一下。(有调侃的意味)
    I saw our trophy- the one we won for debate club.我看到我们的奖杯了,我们为辩论社赢的。
    This accident has sparked off an intense debate on road safety.这次事故引发了关于道路安全的热烈讨论。

    常用用法:have a consultation
    Several months ago, I had a consultation at Berlin. 几个月前,我到柏林做咨询。
    The plan was developed in close consultation with the local community. 该计划是在同当地社区的密切磋商中逐渐形成的。

    It was nice to chat with somebody who understood. 能跟理解自己的人聊天,感觉很好。
    Just having a little chat with Tim. 就是和Tim聊会天。

    WOW, this little girl likes to gossip. 哇,这小妞喜欢八卦。





    对话场景和这段对话来源:This is us
    Gone with the wind第一章有一大段,斯佳丽和两双胞胎兄弟的对话……更好点,不过还是不搭,听下效果……


    I’m sick of the sports-我讨厌运动

    Last Wednesday I went to the hospital to visit a friend who was sick in hospital. I drove there. When I got to the hospital, I parked my car in the parking lot. Then I went to the supermarket near the hospital to buy some gifts. Carrying some fruits and a box/case of milk, I took the elevator in the hospital lobby to my friend's ward.

    When I arrived in the ward, my friend had just finished his lunch and watching the TV fixed on the shift bracket by the bedside, and was about to take a nap. The bed in the ward is comfortable, but my friend can't take a nap. A naughty and sick boy also lived in the ward, and his parents were taking care of him. The little boy didn't take a nap at all. He was watching the cartoons on the bedside TV, playing very loudly.

    I was very angry because my friend needs a rest, and now my friend can't take a nap at all. I stared at the naughty boy, but he paid no attention to me. Finally, I could not bear it. I grimaced and angrily said to him, "Kid, this uncle is sick. He needs to have a rest at noon. Please turn your TV's voice down!"

    "Life lies in sports," said the naughty boy impolitely/rudely. "That uncle has to get up and cut down some trees like Guang Touqiang!"

    My friend looked helplessly at the naughty boy and looked at me again, smiled and said, "I'm sick of the sports!"


    barking up the wrong tree把注意力用错了地方/对象,找错了人,拜错了神,喊错了树
    Tim is trying to get a raise from his supervisor.
    He’s barking up the wrong tree。

    The dogs bark.
    The dogs bark at him happily.
    The dogs bark at him happily in the front of the building.
    The dogs bark at him happily in the front of the building every night.
    The little dogs bark at him happily in the front of the building every night. (little在这里也当状语)

    1. A Midsummer night’s dream仲夏夜之梦

    I’ll follow you, I’ll lead you about a round,
    Through bog, through bush, through brake, through brier:
    Sometime a horse I’ll be, sometime a hound,
    A hog, a headless bear, sometime a fire,
    And neigh, and bark, and grunt, and roar, and burn,
    Like horse, hound, hog, bear, fire, at every turn.

    2. Tempest暴风雨
    STE. 斯丹法诺
    How didst thou scape? How cam’st thou hither? Swear by this bottle how thou cam’st hither—I escap’d upon a butt of sack which the sailors heav’d o’erboard—by this bottle, which I made of the bark of a tree with mine own hands since I was cast ashore.

    1970-01-01   4赞       2踩       1669浏览 评论(0)
男 中级配角lv28


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