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    • Just for Fun

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    Submission failure: if there is invalid information in your work, please try to publish your class essay, exam essay, etc. back
    Submission topic: The World of Science Fiction
    Under consciousness... People (1: dimension error)
    Junior high school
    A novel
    1257 words
    We live in a world in which there is a dimension beyond human exploration, and in which there exists another kind of "man".
    But time is infinite, and nothing can be hidden from those who seek it... So this dimension has finally been discovered. It's called dimension 17, and scientists have discovered that people in this dimension live between two and three dimensions, and can see their faces from both the front and the side. Found that the dimension of the person JiYing, he was a mathematician, one day he came home at night, always thinking about how to calculate the "bringing (between 3 and 4) as he was groggy to lie down in your mind that emerge one by one you don't know, perspective is in a person, then came over and looks strange, like a match, He just changed the word "fire" into the word "water". The man realized on the spot that he didn't want to communicate with Joo-ying. As a result, Joo-Ying was too nervous and his consciousness suddenly changed back. The shadow comes to Eli's house and tells him what happened. It can't be an illusion. Eli uses the experimental memory extractor PT7 to investigate The memory of Ju Ying. Just before he starts, Ju Ying says, "If there is a problem, just cut off the electricity." Eli replied, "What are you talking about? What's wrong with something I developed myself?" Out of curiosity about the matter, ju ying still tried, result :(to the first person) HMM, what is this! Isn't it memory retrieval? Am I possessed again? Let's see if there's anyone. When Extremo went out of the bedroom and into the living room, he saw the Match Man again! This time, he adjusted his mood and began to talk to him: "Where is this? What are you?" The match man said, "I am a water man. Are you from another dimension?" It's amazing. It speaks the same language and knows dimensions. It must be an advanced civilization. The water man said, "Your consciousness is in the burning Man. If you have any mood swings, you two can switch back. In other words, the burning Man's consciousness is in you. The water man replied, "Consciousness." Polaroid was startled and regained consciousness. When Ultrura asks ali what happened, Ali replies, "How did you get up in the first second?" The polar shadow looked at the water in his hands and hurried home. After the event, the extreme shadow went home and cleared up the dimensions of water man and fire man. They always exist, everyone can see them, and material exchange can be realized! He went to the water man. He was playing a game, and the water man said, "Pick out a few important ones." ① Can you disclose the existence of your dimension? You can. ② How big is your world? 131917333 "bringing. ③ What is the name of your world? You know it. The Extreme shadow was so excited that it returned to its own dimension and went public to the world, calling it the 17 dimensions. After all, human beings are now an intermediate civilization, with one heart and one mind, no evil, no lies. The news quickly spread around the world, and many people wanted to experience traveling to the 17th dimension, but Extremo was even more eager to calculate Bring, and the formula was written all over the math group. However, the only person who could travel to the 17th dimension was Ju Ying, because as a mathematician, He broadcast the whole process of travel to the 17th dimension, and suddenly a bottle of water appeared in His hands. Everyone was shocked. The soul soup made a lot of money when The Shadow discovered that deep meditation was the only way to travel to the 17th dimension. Later, Ali became famous. He invented a machine that could make people quickly enter a state of meditation. As a result, there were many cultural exchanges between human beings and the 17 dimensions, and the level of civilization was constantly breaking through. Until they encounter a great difficulty, there is a state of mind that remains untapped.

    1970-01-01   0赞       1踩       90浏览 评论(2)
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