• 小玲子~     【逗协】 转载:路怒 road rage

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Chinese traffic police recorded 17.33m road rage cases including arbitrary lane changes and dangerous overtaking this year, and 97% of the drivers involved were male.

    ➤"路怒"这个说法于上世纪80年代产生于美国,指机动车驾驶人有攻击性或愤怒的行为(aggressive or angry behavior)。此类行为包括:粗鄙的手势(rude gestures)、言语侮辱(verbal insults)、故意用不安全或威胁安全的方式驾驶车辆(deliberately driving in an unsafe or threatening manner)和实施威胁(making threats)等。

    ➤"路怒"可引起口角纷争(altercations)、攻击(assaults)以及可能导致受伤甚至死亡的撞车事故(collisions which result in injuries and even deaths)。这种行为可被认定为攻击性驾驶的极端案例(an extreme case of aggressive driving)。

    突然加速 sudden acceleration
    刹车 braking
    跟前车太近 close tailgating
    突然进入别人的车道 cutting others off in a lane
    故意阻止别人并线 deliberately preventing someone from merging
    过度按喇叭或打灯 sounding the vehicle's horn or flashing lights excessively

    1970-01-01   20赞       1踩       590浏览 评论(14)
女 影后lv55


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