• 斯密士     -MC Smeeth来了-电台show美语带你读 妹果仁的洁癖

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    You might think that all modern societies would have the same grooming and personal hygiene practices. Indeed, everybody takes baths, and most people do recognize the need for hygiene, but not everyone believes it to be one of the things that can make a difference. People in different cultures take care of themselves in different ways.

    There used to be an old joke in America that people should take a bath once a week, whether they need one or not. In fact, though, Americans generally take a bath- or more commonly, a shower- everyday. But in contrast to some cultures, most Americans get their shower in the morning, so they can start the day fresh.

    American guys also take good care of their hair. They prefer to wash and style their hair either by going to a beauty parlor, hair salon and barber shop or doing themselves. That’s why you realize there are a lot more western people on the street wearing men’s hair band or just a cap than Chinese guys. Most people in the States do head for beauty parlors and barber shops occasionally for a haircut, a perm or just some friendly conversations.


    美国有一老梗说是“不管需不需要,大家得一礼拜洗一次澡才行”。其实呢,妹果仁基本上每天都会泡澡,或者普遍的说是“冲澡”。跟别的文化的人们不同的是,妹果仁喜欢早上洗澡(电影里面常常出现的清洁,天蒙蒙亮男主醒来亲吻身边的妻子下床洗澡。。然后一天开始了,然后故事开始了。。), 这样做的好处是早上出门就自带精力充沛光环(我记得以前有次我早上洗澡被家人用一样的眼光看,然后问我是不是生病了)。

    还有点不同,就是妹果仁真的很会打理他们的头发。(倒不是因为他们活好,是因为他们肯花时间打理,其实男生只要修剪整齐精神就好,美式造型精髓就是这个:休闲,整洁,运动性好。个人大爱H&M)他们喜欢去美容店理发店沙龙里做头发,要么就是自己搞。这就是为什么偶尔你见到有个外国人,男士戴发箍与戴帽子的比例还是比较大的,(相比之下中国人就不那么喜欢戴帽子。我其实挺奇怪很多年轻人浑身上下凹一套造型唯独留了一头乱糟糟油光光的头发,要么就是顶着个杀马特发型是图个什么。而且大冷天的也只有老年人戴帽子,大家真的忽略了帽子的作用。Thx to my hats,今年严冬我都没有感冒LOL。扯远了sorry)

    FYI.我的口音是Asian American 亚裔美国口音,请注意我的断句重音还有节奏。


    Words and phrases for today: 今天关键词是hygiene,为大家总结一些非常实用的短语跟用法,读音大家用自己的耳朵来对照我的慢速音频来模仿,如果有问题来讨论欢迎关注我的微信公众号。(页面最后)
    you might think ......would have......你可能会认为。。。都(已经)是。。。。。
    grooming and hygiene practices装扮与卫生习惯
    take baths/take a bath洗澡(带浴缸)
    take a shower洗澡(淋浴)
    in contrast to 相比于。。。。
    prefer to 更喜欢。。
    prefer to do... either by doing A......and doing B 更喜欢。。要么通过A要么通过B
    style their hair 打理头发/做个发型
    hair band / a cap / a hat 发箍发带 / 帽子(带帽檐)/ 帽子(圆边)
    the States 美国= the United States America这个词还有一种意思是美洲,所以表示美国更准确的是the States
    “they do head for..” 他们的确会前往。。
    beauty parlor / barber shop / hair salon美容院 / 理发店 / 美发沙龙(有造型思的)

    今天就到这里。Smeeth over and out.

    Peace,Love & Respect

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