• 三OxO三     一句话早读 15 ? 绯闻女孩 Brunch

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》




    I bet you're wondering what Gossip Girl is doing up so early. Truth is: I never went to bed. Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better? Is there really anything better than a lazy Sunday? Reading the paper in bed sipping coffee scrambling an egg or two. Yeah right!



    I bet
    you're wondering
    what Gossip Girl
    is doing up so early.
    Truth is:
    I never went to bed.
    Why waste precious time dreaming
    when waking life is so much better? ↘️
    Is there really anything
    better than a lazy Sunday?
    Reading the paper in bed
    sipping coffee
    scrambling an egg or two?
    Yeah right!

    配音片段 Gossip Girl Season 1 Episode 2
    *Ahem* 这次是Serena配的Blair😉


    1970-01-01   63赞       9踩       9305浏览 评论(247)
女 提名影后lv51


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