• 斯密士     -MC Smeeth为你推荐-东方hiphop诗人 纪念Nujabes特期

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Nujabes, originally known as Jun Seba ( February 7, 1974–February 26, 2010), was born in Minato, Tokyo, Japan. He was a world-famous Japanese hip hop producer and DJ who recorded under the name Nujabes. Now this name is actually an anagram of his name, being the reverse spelling of Seba Jun. He was the owner of the Shibuya record stores, T Records and founder of the independent label Hydeout Productions. His style mixes hip hop, rap and jazz samples. Nujabes collaborated with other Japanese artists such as Uyama Hiroto, Shing02 , Minmi. In his career he released five studio albums (one of his most recognizable works is that of the background music for Samurai Champloo):
    Nujabes原名Jun Seba瀬场润(1974.2.7-2010.2.26),出生于日本东京都中央港区。他是世界著名的如本hip hop音乐人与DJ,他制作音乐时使用Nujabes这个名字,这个名字其实是他真名Seba Jun用相反字母顺序拼成的。它不仅是独立音乐人,还是涩谷唱片行,T-Records的老板,著名厂牌Hydeout Productions创始人。他的音乐听过的朋友就知道,是一种混合了hip hop,rap饶舌,还有Jazz采样的一种音乐形式。它跟日本其他非常著名的DJ与音乐人有过很多合作,平时有听hiphop音乐的朋友可能马上就能想起来这些人名了:Uyama Hiroto, Shing02 , Minmi等等. Nujabes生前一共发行了五张唱片(其中包括他成名的那张动漫《混沌骑士》的原声OST唱片):

    Metaphorical Music in 2003;
    Samurai Champloo Music Record: Departure in 2004;
    Samurai Champloo Music Record: Impression in 2004;
    Modal Soul in 2005;
    Spiritual State in 2011(这张专辑他去世时并未完成,而是在一年后的2011年有他的公司Hydeout Productions发布).

    <Eternal Reflection>


    Nujabes used to be a record shop employee, then he started his DJ career later in 1998. In 2003 he released the album ''Metaphorical Music'' which is later considered the milestone in his DJ career. He was best known for his approach to hip hop beats, often blending jazz influences into his songs creating a mellow, nostalgic and atmospheric sound.
    Nujabes开始只是个唱片行的店员,1998年开始自己做DJ。2003年他发行了那张后来为他奠定坚固基础的<Metaphorical Music>专辑。他的音乐有个很大的特点,就是那种特别的融合了hiphop节奏与爵士乐器的处理方式,营造出一种柔和醇厚,怀旧朦胧的氛围。相信就算没有接触过hiphop的朋友也会在第一次听的时候就喜欢上他的音乐。

    <Luv sic Pt.6>


    Nujabes collaborated with Shing02 on the critically acclaimed "Luv(sic)" series. They made parts 1-3 together, parts 4 and 5 were released shortly after Nujabes' death. Although part 6 was not among the previously completed tracks, it was released on February 26, 2013, exactly 3 years after the day Seba died. And here is the dramatic part, according to Shing02's official Facebook page, the instrumental to what would eventually be part 6 was discovered on Nujabes' cell phone a few weeks after his death. Now would you call it a coincidence, or destiny?

    On February 26, 2010, Nujabes was involved in a traffic accident on the expressway late at night. He was pronounced dead at a hospital in Shibuya Ward after efforts to revive him failed. He was only 36. R.I.P


    那么这些单词怎么读呢?MC Smeeth教你:


    Nujabes/ˈnudʒɑːbɛs/ 瀬场润
    hip hop producer 嘻哈音乐人
    anagram 变位词
    the reverse spelling 相反的拼写
    sample 样本,采样
    collaborate with 与。。合作
    album 专辑
    studio 工作室
    one of his most recognizable works 最出名的作品之一
    background music 背景音乐
    record shop employee 唱片行的店员
    be considered a milestone (被当做)里程碑
    be best known for 最大的特点是
    mellow, nostalgic and atmospheric sound 柔和醇厚,怀旧朦胧的声音
    be released (被)发行,发布
    according to 根据。。的说法
    coincidence or destiny 巧合还是命运

    下面这首来自Nujabes的<After Hanabi>送给大家。大家觉得这首音乐讲述的是哪种背景下故事呢?A. 战火中的圣诞节 B. 新年前夜的大都市

    <After Hanabi>


    喜欢我的朋友们请关注我跟主播Emily的微信公众号Emily_aiyingyu,加入讨论群一起讨论。加入我们的讨论群还有晨读群,希望我们的声音带给你来自美国的feeling, 让你回想起第一次学英语的初心。
    Peace,Love& Respect

    <Luv(sic)> Grand Finale


    1970-01-01   19赞       0踩       751浏览 评论(3)
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