• THG•昔夏未央     【坦坦翻唱盒子!】ep48#歌舞青春《Breaking Free》(精分)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    唱完感觉要死了哈哈~> < 没找到带男声的伴奏只能自己动手丰衣足食qwq!

    因为一遍过T U T 所以没发现录男声和声的时候太靠近耳机话筒了T T 破坏了和声的美感T V T 还有各种细节上的问题~ 大家将就一下吧,实在无力再唱一遍女声了hhh(啊对了,女声有特意模仿了vanessa,不知道能不能听出来> <)


    (歌舞青春真的是中学时代的代表电影啊hhh 初高中音乐课上不知道看了多少遍2333 不过里面的音乐真的好经典🎵🎵 现在听起来还是超级喜欢~~)

    well~这也算是盒子步入第二个年头之后的第一首歌!所以希望能带给大家耳目一新的感觉www 新的一年盒子也会争取不辜负大家的期待!~曲风会越来越多样,声音会争取更饱满ovo!总之,希望你收到专辑更新通知时,能和我按下“发布”键时有一样的心跳加速的感觉💗

    这首歌是歌舞青春1音乐剧比赛时Troy和Gabiralla一起合唱的曲目~很有打破拘束自由追求梦想的感觉~> <(troy不甘于只做“天才球员”,而gabiralla则不想被称为“数学怪胎”ovo)所以,其实“你是谁”,有的时候不光有来自外界的压力,也有自己对自己的束缚😌 有时候不要轻易下定论,多多尝试,也许你会发现自己新的一面😊~

    T:We're soarin', flyin'
    There's not a star in heaven
    That we can't reach
    G:If we're trying
    So we're breaking free

    T:You know the world can see us
    In a way that's different than who we are
    G:Creating space between us
    'till we're separate hearts
    Both:But your faith it gives me strength
    Strength to believe

    T:We're breakin' free
    G:We're soarin' (T:Flyin' )
    Both:There's not a star in heaven
    That we can't reach
    T:If we're trying
    Both:Yeah, we're breaking free
    T:Oh, we're breakin' free (G:Ohhhh)

    T:Can you feel it building
    Like a wave the ocean just can't control
    G:Connected by a feeling
    Ohhh, in our very souls (T: very souls)
    Both: Rising 'till it lifts us up
    So every one can see

    T:We're breakin' free
    G:We're soarin' (T:Flyin' )
    Both:There's not a star in heaven
    That we can't reach
    T:If we're trying
    Both:Yeah we're breaking free (Ohhhh)

    G:runnin' (T:Climbin' )
    To get to that place
    Both:To be all that we can be
    T:Now's the time
    Both:So we're breaking free
    T:We're breaking free (G:Ohhh, yeah)

    T:More than hope ,More than faith
    G:This is true ,This is fate
    And together
    Both:We see it comin'
    T:More than you ,More than me
    G:Not a want, but a need
    Both:Both of us breakin' free

    G:Soarin' (T:Flyin' )
    Both:There's not a star in heaven
    That we can't reach
    If we're trying
    T:Yeah we're breaking free (G:Breaking free)
    G:We're runnin' (T:Ohhhh, climbin')
    Both:To get to the place
    To be all that we can be

    G:Now's the time
    T:Now's the time
    G:So we're breaking free
    T:Ohhh, we're breaking free (G:Ohhhh)
    Both:You know the world can see us
    In a way that's different than who we are


    1970-01-01   122赞       3踩       4705浏览 评论(161)
女 戏骨lv62


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