• 斯密士     【斯密说:双语百科】EP25 一块钱前纸币都是艺术品!

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》




    Money Around the World
    Cool facts about money that you go WoW! 一些事情可能你看了会:我勒个去!

    1. The largest U.S bill produced today is the $100 bill. But less than 45 years ago, you could pay for stuff with a $10,000 bill! 如今美国发行的面值最大的钞票是一百美元,但是在大约四十五年前,你购物时可能会掏出一张一万美刀的钞票付账。

    2. Nearly two dozen countries - from Australia to Nigeria to Mexico - print money on sheets of plastic in stead of paper. These brightly colored bills are so tough they can be washed with soap and water. 将近4个国家,如澳大利亚、尼日利亚、墨西哥把货币印刷在塑料上,而不是纸上。这些色彩鲜艳的钞票非常耐磨,完全可以用肥皂或者水清洗。

    3. Coins in ancient China were minted with holes in the center so they could be strung and carried more easily. A few countries still use coins with holes, including Denmark, Japan, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines. 中国古代铸造的硬币中心有空,可以串起来,携带更方便。现在人又少数国家使用打孔的硬币,包括丹麦、日本、巴布亚新几内亚、菲律宾。

    4. Whales teeth were once highly treasured currency in Fiji. In the nineteenth century, a single whale tooth was worth than one canoe. 斐济曾经以蓝鲸牙齿为货币精品。在19世纪,一枚鲸鱼牙齿的价值相当一艘独木舟。

    5. In 1685, soldier in quebec, Canada, were paid in playing cards after the french colonial government ran out of money. 1685年,法国殖民政府手头缺钱,于是以扑克牌为货币发给加拿大魁北克的士兵作为军饷。

    6. Is Canadian money crazy? Nope, just loonie. That's the nick name for the Canadian one dollar coin, which features the image of a bird called a loon, commonly found in Canada. “加拿大的货币疯了么?其实有点颠!”这个梗的出现是因为“颠”是加拿大一元硬币的昵称,硬币上有种叫“潜鸟”的鸟(英语发音跟“疯颠”一词相近),通常只出现在加拿大。

    7. In 2007, Mongolia issued a commemorative coin with a portrait of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. If you push a tiny button, the coin plays a sound bite from a speech. 2007年,蒙古发行了一种纪念币,图案为美国总统约翰肯尼迪的头像。如果你按下影壁上的微型按钮,硬币会播放一段讲话录音。

    8. The word “money” comes from Juno Moneta, the Roman goddess who protected all currency. “money”一词起源于朱诺莫内塔——她是保护一切货币的罗马女神。

    9. There's a zoo's worth of animals on money around the world, including lions in South Africa, dolphins in Iceland, hummingbirds in Brazil, and Kangaroos in Australia. 世界上有很多货币以动物为图案,包括南非的狮子、冰袋的海豚、巴西的蜂鸟、澳大利亚的袋鼠,足以凑成一家动物园

    10. The U.S Mint's first gold and silver coins had no numbers on them. The only way to tell them apart was by their size. 美国造币厂制造的第一批金银币没有印面额,分辨其面值的唯一途径就是辨认它的尺寸。

    11. Not all coins are round. The Cook islands minted a triangular coin. A square 15 - cent coin is still in circulation in Bahamas. 不是所有硬币都是圆形的。库克群岛曾经发行过一种三角形硬币,巴哈马则发行了一种十五分钱的正方形硬币,现在任然流通中。

    12. In 2008, Chile's 50 - peso coins were issued with the name of the country misspelled “Chiie”. The coins were used for more than a year before anyone noticed the typo. 2008年,智利发行了面值为五十比索的硬币,但硬币上的智利“Chile”拼错成了Chiie。硬币流通一年多才有人注意到这个错误。

    13. A special ink in the 50 - euro note (used in the European Union) changes yellow stars to orange and a blue signature to green when held under black, or ultraviolet light. 五十欧元纸币采用了一种特殊的墨水,在黑色或者紫外线照耀下黄色恒星会变成橙色、蓝色签名会变成绿色。

    14. The pictures of Miss Liberty on the front of an 1839 U.S. Cent looked so ridiculous to many people that the coin was nicknamed “silly head.” 1839年美国某硬币正面上自由女神的图案看上去可笑至极,许多人戏称该硬币叫“傻瓜大头”。

    15. Some experts claim the smallest coin in history is the quarter silver tara of Vijayanagar, An Asian empire from 1336 to 1646. It has a diameter of 0.16 inches, roughly the size of a flea. 某砖家站出来说历史上最小的硬币是十五分的硬币“塔拉”,又印度末代王朝维查耶那加尔(1336-1646)帝国发行。该银币直径为0.4厘米,大小相当愉悦一直跳蚤。

    16. It's believed that the cow on the U.S. Buffalo Nickel was modeled after a real animal named “Black Diamond” that lived in New York City's Central Park Zoo from 1893 to 1915. 美国野牛镍币上的野牛是仿造一只真实动物制造的。这头野牛叫黑钻石,1893年至1915年生活在纽约市中央公园动物园。

    17. In Norway, butter was once accepted as currency for trading. 挪威人以前还接受黄油作为交易的货币。

    18. A 1933 U.S. Gold double eagle coin sold for more than 7.5 million dollar at auction in 2002, the most expensive coin ever. 2002年,一枚1933年制造的美国双鹰货币在拍卖会上拍出了750余万的天价,是有史以来最昂贵的硬币。

    19. Some African Tribes cast their metal money in the shape of jewelry such as bracelets and anklets. That made it easy for them to carry as they moved from place to place. 某些非洲游牧部落把金属货币铸成珠宝(手镯脚环)的形状。这样他们搬家的时候携带很方便。

    20. In Venezuela, you can pay for things with a coin worth 12.5 centimos. ( A centimo is Venezuela's smallest currency, like U.S. Cent) 在委内瑞拉,你可以用一枚面额为12.5分的硬币买单(“分”是委内瑞拉最小货币单位,相当与美国的“分”)

    21. In 2009 the bank of England recycled old and damaged banknotes into compost that was sold to farms. 2009年英国央行回收破旧钞票制成肥料,然后卖给农场。

    22. A red Canadian coin looked so unusual that U.S. Military agents first thought it was a spy coin embedded with a recording device. 加拿大发行的红色硬币一看就跟一般硬币不一样,结果美国特工一开始还以为是其中嵌入了录音设备的间谍硬币。

    23. The word “nickel” comes from a German word that means”rascal”. Miners coined the term because nickel ore looks like valuable copper, and would sometimes fool them. “镍币”一词来自德语,意思是流氓。矿工发明这个词,因为镍矿看上去很像贵重的铜,会上他们上当以为是铜。

    24. When it was printed in 1946, the Hungarian 100 million billion pengo was the largest bill ever issued. It was worth about 20 U.S. Cents,though. 1946年印刷的匈牙利面额为“十亿亿”的辨戈是史上面额最大的纸币,价值却不到二十美分。

    25. Until the early 1900s, a whole coconut was the accepted form of currency in the Nicobar islands, west of Thailand in the Indian Ocean. 20世纪初期的尼科巴裙带,一只完整的椰子仍然可以被当成货币使用。该群岛位于泰国西部的印度洋上。

    Fun Facts Dictionary《冷辞海》




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