• THG·Akashic     【四速】20180825 BBC One-Minute World News

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    概要:①教宗访爱尔兰,遭神职人员性侵受害者盼给交代②委内瑞拉难民涌入 秘鲁宣布入境管制新措施③西班牙独裁者佛朗哥将被掘墓迁尸







    孩提时代曾遭爱尔兰天主教神职人员性侵的倖存者们,要求今年8月教宗方济各(Pope Francis)访爱时共同讨论补偿方案。

    2018年教宗方济各的到访,将是1979年若望保禄二世(John Paul II)访问后,再次到访爱尔兰的教宗。

    爱尔兰儿童性侵倖存者(简称SOCA)写信呼吁教宗方济各答覆性侵受害者为何没得到应有的补偿,并交由爱尔兰大主教马丁(Diarmuid Martin)代为转交给梵谛冈。




    SOCA创办人凯利(John Kelly)在信中提到,希望教宗方济各听听何为教会机构中「Violence R Us」文化,这在许多爱尔兰的基督兄弟会学校是恶名昭彰的丑闻。





    ②委内瑞拉难民涌入 秘鲁宣布入境管制新措施





    MADRID (REUTERS) - THE family of Spain's late former fascist dictator Francisco Franco will use all possible legal means to prevent a government plan to move their ancestor's remains from a grand monument near Madrid, Spanish media said on Saturday.

    During Franco's 1939-1975 rule - which remains a highly sensitive topic more than four decades after his death - tens of thousands of his enemies were killed and imprisoned in a campaign to wipe out dissent, and as many as 500,000 combatants and civilians died in the preceding civil war, which split the nation in two.

    According to several national newspapers, seven grandchildren of Franco issued a statement expressing their "firm and unanimous" opposition to the exhumation.

    The statement, reported in El Pais, El Mundo and La Vanguardia among others, was a response to a decree passed on Friday to reduce the risk that legal claims could impede the plan, a longstanding ambition of the ruling Socialists.

    The Valley of the Fallen site, where Franco and tens of thousands of victims of Spain's 1936-39 civil war lie, has been criticised as Europe's only remaining monument to a fascist leader.

    It was not immediately clear what legal avenues are open to Franco's descendants in the face of a decree that needs to be approved by parliament, but is unlikely to be voted down.

    The statement said the family hoped the Benedictine order in charge of the site, which is marked by a 152-metre (500 ft) high cross, would prevent the state's "vengefulness", the papers said.

    The decree gives the family 15 days from the end of August to decide where they want the remains to be taken, or cede that decision to the government.

    "If an exhumation were to be performed against our will, we would demand that (the remains) are delivered to us so that we can proceed with a Christian burial," the family's statement said.

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